Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nothing new

Just a cute picture of our boy.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Toys toys toys!

What would Christmas be without a boatload of toys? Less messy, anyway.

Here Henry examines his rotary phone:

"Hello? Anybody there?"

"Check out my big top! Let me show you how it's done!

Pull them out like this!

I'm a genius!"

Aargh! That be a pirate ship!

This isn't the best picture ever, but for once Henry actually resembles his mama. He looks a lot like my baby pictures.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Belated Thanksgiving photos

We drove out to Maryland for Thanksgiving this year. Dennis' parents were in from Germany. We had a fun, busy weekend.
Henry met his first cousin, Zoey:

"Not so sure about her..."

"Okay, back off! They're my grandparents!"

Finally the two kids made up and held hands.

Here's a photo of the whole Chatham clan:

Those crazy Chatham kids, circa 1983.
Guess which one is Henry's dad?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A visit from Henry's uncles!

MIchael stopped by on his drive home, and he brought Parain along with him.

This hat might be okay...not sure yet.


Make up your own caption for this one.