Oh, my! (hands up to the face)

Our family adventures now on a small central Kentucky farm.
Well, my first official appointment is tomorrow morning. Not that I actually have an appointment, since we work in the same office.
Honestly not looking forward to it. I guess if I want to get spoiled with my weekly ultrasounds, I've gotta put up with a little unpleasantness. Doing it for the baby. And we'll probably do an ultrasound tomorrow, too.
I'm so ready for this first trimester to be OVER. I just keep thinking, "maybe I'll feel better tomorrow."
I'm pathetic.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Our little patriotic flower patch.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Outside
Profile from the other side (still looks like Elvis)
What a little hamhock!
Plus this week I was able to find the heartbeat with the Doppler! So now I'm addicted to that, too.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Okay, can I just gripe a little? Today has been the most miserable day thus far of this pregnancy. I'm just exhausted and nauseated and bloated and worthless. This morning we had a class in Basic Life Support (aka CPR), which was a total waste of time. Basically it involved sitting around watching a video, then practicing chest compressions on a little plastic guy. For 4 hours. Even though this doesn't sound strenuous, I found it draining. Then we all went to lunch at my very favorite restaurant, El Mazatlan, but even that hurt my tummy. So I went home to take a little lunchtime nap. That lasted a few hours. oops. I feel bad because I should have been getting some work done or something, but I'm too dang tired. I did finally get up and drive in to help Mark out for a couple of hours. I guess I owe him, although I'd rather not admit it! And now I'm lying around being worthless again.
Dennis was going to make some stir-fry with our fresh snow peas, but I can't even imagine eating that. And I know it's yummy, but the tummy says no. So what's a girl to do? Maybe eat some Nilla wafers. Maybe. If I don't eat something soon I'll probably feel worse.
I was just hoping that I'd been through the worst of the first trimester nausea and fatigue, but apparently not yet. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm tired because everything is going to the baby's growth, right?
And at least I'm only in clinic once this week, which is a treat. Except I'll have to sit through ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) and NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation) instead. I don't know which is worse... All I really need is a comfortable place to sit every once in a while, but that seems to be too much to ask.
Alright, I'm done griping now.
Okay, who am I kidding? I never really stop.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
It's been a pretty good day--I delivered an 8&1/2 lb. boy! Quite a cutie! So his family's having a very nice Father's Day. And now I need a nap. So does the baby's momma, I'll bet.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 7:11 PM 0 comments
I bought my first maternity clothes today, which is weird. I've only gained about 3 pounds, and yet none of my clothes fit anymore. Must be redistributing. I've gotta say, love the stretchy belly maternity pants! I could wear those pants year-round.
In related news, I'm now 25% through my 40 weeks! woohoo.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Check out the little baby parts.
Of course still photos don't show it, but we saw the baby kicking and punching and wiggling today! So cute!
Posted by Dr. Bec at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
I'm just wondering if the dog knows that I'm pregnant. He's certainly been acting a little strange lately. He's following me around all the time, even more than previously. Even this weekend, when we had guests at the house, he snuggled me continuously. Maybe it's because I've been letting him up on the bed with me, which he definitely likes. It's pretty cute, though; he's like my own little personal guard doggie.
"Back off!"
Posted by Dr. Bec at 11:07 PM 0 comments
What I'm watching: The Family Guy
What I'm reading: Martha Stewart Living
What I'm knitting: teddy bear from Knitting for Two
What I'm planting: okra, basil, and green beans
What I'm jobbin': family medicine hospital service
What I'm craving: dill pickles, queso dip
My hobby of the moment: napping
Posted by Dr. Bec at 10:59 PM 0 comments
6 weeks and 5 days (a zoomed view)
A strong little heartbeat
Our due date is January 13, 2007!
Posted by Dr. Bec at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Squash plants (near) & corn (far)
We've also harvested some sugar snap peas, which were yummy! I can't wait for the cucumbers, though. Maybe I'll manage to make some pickles with those and the dill. mmm.
Posted by Dr. Bec at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outside